Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Ecommerce and Stoma's are a great match

Knowledge is power and I think that saving a little here and there can be really useful over the long run! I think the same thing applies for when you are looking for ostomy gear as well.  I am a firm believer that we should be using the best gear for us and not what someone says is best.  This goes for a lot of the world today and that people push their opinions and agendas on us with only their intentions in mind.  For myself, I like to let people choose what works best and I am a firm believer that when it comes to your stoma that only you can be the judge of this.  I learned that everyone is different and that what works best for say the best athlete in the world doesn't work best for me.  I think shopping is pretty important. It can be the difference between being rich and poor.

If things go well you will get a great Nurse after your surgery.  I know that I certainly did and this lady changed my life.  My nurse gave me advice on what to look for and who to talk to about learning even more about my stoma and how to find good gear.  Her first advice to me was to go and talk to many local pharmacies and to see what brands they carried and why.  This was a great way for me to get out and talk about my condition with others, which I was really afraid to do. But I took her advice and learned a whole lot from different perspectives.  I loved talking with the pharmacist because they are a doctor and salesman.  It is part of their job to run a store that is based on sales and people like good items.  It was a fun conversation.

Now I do all my own research to learn all that I can about different products. Some online company's catalogs of items were drastic and huge and I didn't know what I was getting into.  So I talked with a lot of representatives and even some higher up designers and engineers and found things out about hi activity items or swimming items.  Different philosophies of gear and why people made items. But It was useful and I learned a lot about what worked for me.

I went to social media to see what I could learn from others in my situation.  I saw social media starts and people paid to promote.  I found forums with lots of different people's ideas on topics that some made no sense. But all in all, it was a super cool and awesome situation.  With all of this in mind, I took a lot of information and started to move it into my life and get samples of items that I thought would fit my lifestyle best.  I found that purchasing online was the best price, but that I would be at the mercy of not knowing it if would work first.  So companies would directly send samples to me for free and that allowed me to shop more wisely after trying the item.  I suggest doing this before buying. I really do suggest doing a lot of work on your own and learning all you can.  There is nothing better than becoming your own expert.